What Happens When We Die? 6 Testimonies From Those Who’ve Gone Beyond

See six stories of those who have gone beyond this life and lived to tell about it!

#5 Ian McCormack is Saved by Mother’s Prayer

When Ian McCormack was stung by not one but five box jellyfish, the prognosis was devastating. Just a single sting by these creatures can release enough toxin to kill a grown man! Half a world away in New Zealand, Ian’s mother was overcome by a vision and compulsion to pray for her son. As the hedonistic Ian lay in the hospital, he himself received a vision of his mom’s ceaseless prayer. Nonetheless, doctors declared Ian dead, and his body was transferred to the morgue. There, Ian would awaken a changed man – having glimpsed Hell and experienced Heaven with Jesus.

See Ian’s amazing story by watching the video at this link.

#4 Mickey Robinson Has the Space to Cry Out to God

Like Ian McCormack, Mickey Robinson lived an adventurous life. “There’s not enough excitement in the world,” he recalls. Having never been told about the need to know God through Jesus Christ, Mickey’s life would change one night when his small plane stalled in flight and plummeted to the ground. Disfigured in the crash and burned over his entire body, Mickey was rescued by a friend and fellow parachutist with a miraculous display of strength. As doctors told family to come before Mickey died, Mickey felt himself separate from his body. Unaware of time, Mickey experienced “all of God’s majesty, his authority, all of his love” before being settled once again into his body.

To witness Mickey’s entire tale of a life transformed, check out this post.

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