The Birth of Christ, As Told by Kids

This is one of the most adorable Christmas videos I’ve ever seen!

Christmas pageants are amazing. Kids acting out the Gospel of Jesus’ Birth is also amazing. Kids acting, directing, costume designing, finding actors, getting props…even more amazing! This special performance by the children of St Paul’s Church, in Auckland, New Zealand, is sure to have you laughing and even tearing up a bit at their portrayal of that fateful night over two centuries ago.

Some people bemoan Christmas pageants, knowing they might not be the highest quality entertainment, but I absolutely love seeing kids get involved in telling Jesus’ story, whether it’s His birth, death, or resurrection. Everything is so fresh in their eyes, and the way they talk about Jesus is so pure and honest.

Kids aren’t afraid of getting the details wrong, unlike adults. Don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely a time and place for accuracy, especially concerning scripture. But, when it comes to spreading the good news of Christ’s birth and His love and sacrifice, we shouldn’t let our fear of “getting it wrong” stop us from sharing the Gospel.

Let’s take a few minutes to see how it’s done – and to get a good laugh or two in along the way. This has to be one of my favorite Christmas pageants to date! I bet it would be super easy to do something like this at your church next year!

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