Valentine’s Day On A Budget

Whether you’re living on a budget, a cynic, a cynic living on a budget, or just looking for some fun new ideas this Valentine’s Day, this list is for you.

Have A Late Night Snack

After your movie of choice (or maybe during the movie) you could bust out some snacks! Maybe you want to surprise your date by having some of these tasty cake pops ready to go, or you could really impress them by having this awesome homemade chai on hand for a chai tea latte! It doesn’t have to be over the top fancy, as long as you show your loved one that you are thinking of them and planning ahead!


Skip the Over Priced, Store Bought Card

… And make your own! It might sound cheesy, but it is Valentine’s Day, right? You may be having flashbacks to 3rd grade when you had to cut out pink hearts and meticulously sprinkle glitter over precisely placed globs of glue only to accidentally trip and land face first into your masterpiece. Or maybe that’s just me. Either way, think less “frilly pink hearts” and more “words from the heart.” Tell your significant other why you love them, and how special they are to you. Talk about your favorite memories, or the first time you knew you loved them. I find in my own relationships, a lot of things go unsaid, under the assumption that the other person already knows how I feel. But we’re not here to celebrate how intuitive our significant other is – we’re here to celebrate LOVE! So tell them how you feel!

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