Valentine’s Day On A Budget

Whether you’re living on a budget, a cynic, a cynic living on a budget, or just looking for some fun new ideas this Valentine’s Day, this list is for you.

Cook Your Own Meal

I know, I know, too easy, right? Cooking for your significant other is always special – or better yet, try cooking with your significant other! You both can share memories of favorite meals growing up, or any rituals your family had at dinner time. Who knows? Maybe cooking together will become a regular thing!

Need some ideas for the perfect meal? Anything with chicken will be less expensive, just add some veggies and rice, and there you have it! Check out this awesome recipe for herb roasted chicken with a side of mouthwatering cheesy garlic bread!


Watch a Movie on Netflix

Did you know that Netflix does movies too? Somewhere between Sherlock and Friends, I forgot that Netflix also has a wide variety of full length feature films. Whether you and your date prefer romantic movies (Titanic, Hitch, Silver Linings Playbook) or scary movies to cuddle up to (Maniac, Here Comes The Devil, Oculous), Netflix has a little bit of everything. Pro-tip: have a couple of options loaded up on your instant queue and let your date decide.

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