More Businesses You Didn’t Know Were Christian

Some surprising businesses founded on Christian values!

4. D.light Design

While in the Peace Corps, cofounder Sam Goldman witnessed children in Africa who had suffered burns because of over turned kerosene lamps. He thought that there had to be a better way to get lamps and light to developing countries. After enrolling in a class on engineering and affordability at Stanford, he met cofounder Ned Tozun, and the idea for solar powered lamps was born. It wasn’t until meeting their other cofounder, Xianya Wu at the Urbana Student Missions conference, that the idea for a whole company was born. All three felt the call of God to move forward in a profound way.

5. I Have a Bean Coffee

What started out as a sketch on a napkin for a business idea, turned into early morning meetings, discussions, and prayer circles about investment and making a difference. I Have a Bean Coffee has two goals: to produce excellent coffee, and to help transform the lives of former offenders. Their site claims that they operate under the premise that “we can use every part of our business to love our neighbor as ourselves to positively impact the spiritual, social, and economic conditions of our employees, their families, and the communities in which they live.” Can’t argue with that!

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