This Mom Slipped A Letter Into Her Daughter’s Lunch Every Day For A Year. A Decade Later, The Advice Still Rings True

Skye’s mom left her over 100 letters and notes of encouragement in her lunchbox throughout her 6th grade year. More than a decade later, Skye still has them all. In fact, she used them for her thesis in grad school.

Cling to memories, not places.

Image via Flickr
This advice is all the more relevant, knowing that at the time Skye read it she and her family had just moved from Ohio to Florida. What an emotional time in her life! But mom knew just what to say. We can take this to heart as well, knowing that even as we pass through different places, jobs, homes, and states, that those places may fade, but their memories will not!

Love as hard and as strong as you can, even if it means loving someone so much you get paralyzed with fear if something bad happens to them.

At the time this note was written, Skye’s grandpa was very ill. I’m sure she was dealing with a lot of confusion, sadness, and worry, and yet mom knew just what to say: don’t give up. Keep loving, even when it hurts. In fact, love especially when it hurts.

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