Top 5 Famous Christian Paintings

Over the centuries, many of the great works of European art have been for and by the Church.

#2 Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper

Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper

In this famous image, Christ institutes communion and shares his last meal with his disciples before death. Though prominently featured for conspiracy theories in such works as The Da Vinci Code, there is another apocryphal story that we’ve always enjoyed: in the image, if you follow all the lines on the floor and all the lines in the ceiling along their perspective to their vanishing point, the image converges on Christ’s face. Likewise all the disciples are either pointing to or leaning their heads toward him. Leonardo had painted a detailed, beautiful tablecloth with lace work, but when his students only complimented his amazing detail work, in one broad brushstroke he covered it in white, shouting: “No, you fools! Look at the face of Christ!”

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