This Family Is Growing By Leaps And Bounds!

After years being split up and bounced around to different foster homes, this group of seven siblings finally find a home together!

“Team Donner! That’s our last name!” – Andrea Donner, Newly Adopted

After years being split up and bounced around to different foster homes, Benjamin and Adrienne Donner adopted two children from this group of seven siblings. The Donners had been through years of agonizing fertility treatments and failed to create a bond with past adoptions as well.

“We’ve been blessed with a big house that we kept feeling like ‘this is too big for the four of us, maybe we should downsize,” said Adrienne.

After considering moving to a new home that was a bit smaller, they had an offer that they just couldn’t refuse: Adopting the other five children as their own!

“Instead the Lord blessed us for the ability to fill it up.”

In a touching moment that may bring you to tears, watch as these children come off the plane and find their brothers and sisters and their new loving foster parents.


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