Girl Creates “Postbox To Heaven” So People Can Send Letters To Deceased Loved Ones
The box was installed at a crematorium.
A crematorium recently decided to install a “postbox to heaven.” This will allow people to write letters to their loved ones that have passed away, giving them the chance to find some small form of closure.
It is hard to say goodbye to a loved one and the finality of it is a lot for anyone to wrap their head around.
Can you believe that this amazingly sweet idea was actually the brainchild of a nine-year-old girl? When Matilda Handy wanted to write letters to her recently deceased grandparents, the Gedling Crematorium in Nottinghamshire decided that they would take the time to post up this box. Now, everyone in the area can write “Letters To Heaven,” if they are so inclined.
According to a blog post from the crematorium, the box was installed back in December. Since it was placed in this location, they have received over 100 letters from people who are looking to send a message to one of their loved ones. “Letters to Heaven. Thank you for taking a moment to stop by our special post box. Whether you wish to write to your loved on on the day of an important anniversary or have no specific reason for doing so, this is a dedicated place for posting your letters,” the notice next to the box reads.
Matilda and her mother, Leanna, also spoke with ITV News. They are hoping that the crematorium can make this postal box a permanent fixture during the years to come.
“It was very nice because I’m very upset and it’s just a very nice way to express my feelings and send a letter to them and to say how much I love them,” said Matilda. Meanwhile, Leanne spoke about all of the praise that her daughter has been getting ever since the box was put up. People are absolutely in love with the idea.
“It’s been overwhelming how well it’s been received,” she says. “We walk through Arnold which is the local town and strangers are stopping me saying ‘it’s beautiful’ or ‘can we use it?’ and the answer is ‘yes, of course you can.'”
The site manager, Giulia McDonough, went on to say, “Like all Westerleigh Group’s sites, it’s our aim to have a very positive presence within our local communities, and I am delighted that the Letters to Heaven post box seems to have captured the imagination – and interest – of many people.
We put a post about it on our Facebook page on 12 December, showing an image of the post box in situ, and within just a couple of days we had more than 16,000 people viewing the message and nearly 1,000 liking it.”
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