How The Great Commission Empowers Modern-Day Christianity

Jesus Christ’s imperative to His disciples has now passed to us to spread His teachings to all corners of the contemporary world.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20

The Great Commission is a pivotal piece of Scripture in the New Testament that retains great significance for Christianity in the modern era. It is a command given by Jesus Christ to his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

A central tenet of Christianity, The Great Commission has been the driving force behind Christian mission and evangelism for centuries. It is a reminder that we are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ, and to help others come to know him and experience his love and salvation. The following story explores the essence of the Great Commission, its enduring relevance, and its crucial role in shaping the faith of believers today.

Analyzing the Great Commission


1. Authority

One of the distinguishing aspects of the Great Commission is its unparalleled authority. These words were spoken by Jesus, the Son of God. In Matthew 28:18, just before delivering the Great Commission, Jesus asserts, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” His divine authority invests this commission with a weight and significance that demands our attention and obedience.

2. Scope

The Great Commission is not limited by geographical boundaries or cultural barriers. Jesus instructs His disciples to go to “all nations” (Matthew 28:19), emphasizing the global reach of the Christian mission. This command compels us to transcend our own comfort zones and engage with diverse cultures and peoples. We are called to embrace the beauty of diversity and share the transformative message of Jesus with people from every background, ethnicity, and race.

3. Mandate

The Great Commission encompasses a comprehensive mandate, encompassing three vital components: making disciples, baptizing them, and teaching obedience to Christ’s commands. To make disciples is to lead others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, guiding them in their journey of faith and discipleship. Baptism symbolizes the initiation into the family of God and the public declaration of one’s commitment to follow Christ. It signifies a personal transformation and the beginning of a new life in Him.

Moreover, the Great Commission calls us to teach obedience to all that Jesus commanded. This involves sharing the Gospel, nurturing spiritual growth, and imparting the wisdom and teachings of Christ to fellow believers.

Importance for Modern-Day Christianity

Modern Christianity

As globalization and advanced communication have made the spread of the Gospel more accessible, Christians are called to embrace these tools to reach people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. The Great Commission resonates strongly amidst the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

The Great Commission reminds us of the urgency and intentionality required to share the message of Jesus Christ. It compels us to actively engage with others, rather than passively waiting for them to come to us. We are called to go out into the world and find those who need to hear the good news of salvation.

To fulfill the wishes of Jesus Christ, we can adopt various approaches in our daily lives. First and foremost, prayer becomes a powerful tool as we seek opportunities to share our faith with others. Through prayer, we invite God to guide our interactions and open doors for meaningful conversations.

Engaging in volunteer work within our local churches and community organizations is another way to embody the Great Commission. Active participation in initiatives that address spiritual and physical needs help demonstrate the compassionate love of Christ, and create opportunities for deeper connection.

Supporting Christian missions and organizations is an additional avenue to fulfill the Great Commission. Through financial contributions or volunteering our time, we enable the spread of the Gospel to reach remote areas and underserved communities. This support plays a crucial role in making a lasting impact for all types of believers.

The Great Commission also encompasses our everyday lives. By living out our faith with authenticity and integrity, we become walking testimonies of the transformative power of Christ’s teachings. Words, actions, and attitudes reflect His love, grace, and mercy, compelling others to seek the source of our joy and hope. When we share the gospel, we are extending an invitation for others to experience the life-changing relationship with God. As we actively participate in fulfilling the Great Commission, we have the privilege of playing a part in the eternal destiny of those we reach.


The Great Commission stands as a timeless mandate that continues to guide and inspire modern-day Christianity. It calls believers to go forth with courage, actively participating in the mission of Jesus to spread His teachings, nurturing spiritual growth, and embody His love and grace. The Great Commission is a call to action, a reminder of our purpose, and a source of hope and joy. We are not only obeying Jesus’ command, but also making a difference in the world by bringing people into a relationship with the Lord, who can change their lives forever.

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