Top 10 Heroes of Faith From the Bible

Before us have come men and women who fully relied on God. These are the TOP 10 heroes of faith from the Bible!

New Testament Hero #3: Stephen

When in the early church needy families had rivalries, and distribution of church alms was inconsistent, the apostles chose from the congregation seven men. These seven men were given the title of deacon, which literally means “to wait on tables,” and these seven were basically the first pressed into serving on a church committee. These servants of God and of the Church are most remembered in Stephen, who was also the first person to be martyred. For his belief in Christ, Stephen was brought before the same Sanhedrin that sent Jesus to Pilate, and the same that had harrassed John and Peter on Pentecost. As Stephen denounced their claim of authority, he was stoned to death – during which he humbly and boldly proclaimed his vision of the risen Lord seated at the right hand of the Father.

Bible story: Acts 6-7

New Testament Hero #4: Thomas

For all his fame as the one who doubted Jesus’ resurrection, the apostle Thomas was a man of extraordinary deeds of faith. When first we hear him speak in the New Testament, it is after the death of Lazarus. When the other disciples are terrified of returning to Judea – where the local Jews had attempted to stone Jesus himself – Thomas declares his loyalty (and his eventual fate) by saying “Let us also go, that we may die with him!” When Jesus rises, though he does not first believe, Thomas is the first of the disciples to declare Christ’s singular divinity, calling him “my Lord and my God!” Receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Thomas boldly proclaimed the Gospel in Jerusalem with the other apostles. Tradition holds that Thomas planted seven churches in India, where these small Christian communities still exist today – and are known as the Saint Thomas Christians. No less, it is here that Thomas died, killed by a lance or spear by the leaders of local religions.

Bible story: John 11-20

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