You Might Have Grown Up in Church If…
From their own cultural language to a culture with its own music, Christians and the church have a long history of being in the world but not of the world.
…in Your Head, Jesus Looks Like This.
He also probably wore a white robe and walked around in a purple or blue sash. Warner Sallman’s famous The Head of Christ sold over 500 million copies after being popularized by the Baptist Bookstore. Almost every picture we see of Jesus in America is quite similar to this famous picture – shoulder-length brown hair, brown or blue eyes, neatly trimmed beard and very, very European. But around the world, we know there are many depictions of Jesus.
…you Have One of These, Complete With Patches.
Oh Awana. The non-denominational Christian scouting alternative, teaching us that Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, is still used in a lot of churches, teaching children as young as two about God’s work in a step-by-step program and familiarizing them with the Bible.
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