You Might Have Grown Up in Church If…

From their own cultural language to a culture with its own music, Christians and the church have a long history of being in the world but not of the world.

From their own cultural language to a culture with its own music, Christians and the church have a long history of being in the world but not of the world. Just like in pop culture, fads come and go, but some favorites hang around for a long time. If you’ve been a Christian, you may have some fond memories. In fact, you probably grew up in the church if…

…you Know Who This Guy Is.

In the great pantheon of evangelical children’s characters, Psalty leads the way. The singing songbook teaches featured on Maranatha!’s Kids’ Praise! series of albums – where children sung contemporary worship hits – throughout the 1980s. If you missed the Psalty generation by a few years, perhaps you know…

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