You Might Have Grown Up in Church If…
From their own cultural language to a culture with its own music, Christians and the church have a long history of being in the world but not of the world.
Chadder Chipmunk from one of many Vacation Bible School adventures. He went to Mexico, to outerspace, to the deep seas, into the sky, and we’re pretty sure he met some dinosaurs and was an archaeologist at some point…aha!
…you Had One of These.
Or maybe, like us, you had two or three in different styles in different colors. In fact, we’re sure a few of us have a W.W.J.D. bracelet lying around at home still. The question turned fashion craze was a hallmark of Christian childhood in the 90s, and like so many reminder bands that followed, the bracelet was not just a statement of identity; WWJD reminds the wearer to always ask “what would Jesus do” and live out their life of faith.
SKM: below-content placeholderWhizzco for FHB