Teacher Tells Children That God Is A Myth. What This Brave Girl Does Next Is Amazing…

Mother is outraged when her daughter loses points on an assignment for saying that God is real.

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:5

A middle school teacher handed out a worksheet asking students to label certain statements as “facts, opinions, or common place assertions.” There were varying statements, such as, “the cheetah is the fastest land animal,” and, “America is the most free country on earth.” But one statement in particular seemed a bit out of place: There is a God.

Not only did this teacher commit the ultimate faux pas, but when the students answered that God is a fact, they were ducted points from their assignment. As you can see in the video below, the “correct” answer was to say that God is an opinion, or even a myth. But Jordan knew better.

“I told her it was a fact, indeed true, based on my religion, and she said that I was incorrect. I was wrong,” Jordan told FOX 26.

This little girl brought her complaint all the way to the school board. “I can tell you that while she was up there at the school board speaking, I was crying,” said Chantel Wooley, Jordan’s mother. “Here’s my kid, braver than most adults, speaking about her faith and how she felt violated at school.”

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