The Fruit Of The Spirit: 9 Transformations For The Christian Life

Jesus said ‘By their fruits you will know them.’ What are the fruits? Check out the classic fruits of the spirit explained in a fresh way for your life of faith!


Goodness is the classic behavior, the deeds not creeds. It is uprightness of heart, being of high integrity and moral character. Having this virtue of course empowers us to obey the commandments, which are summed up in “love.”


The Greek pistis is the accusative noun form of the Greek peitho, which is translated as “believe” or “trust” – in fact, this is the wholeness of faith in Christ! The Spirit begets our trust and belief, that we can be loyal to our calling. This isn’t just to God, but empowers us to be strong workers (Ephesianss 6:7, Colossians 3:23).

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