The Fruit Of The Spirit: 9 Transformations For The Christian Life

Jesus said ‘By their fruits you will know them.’ What are the fruits? Check out the classic fruits of the spirit explained in a fresh way for your life of faith!


Patience is a recognition of God’s sovereignty. The classic translation and meaning “longsuffering,” gives us the endurance to persist through trials and difficulties, but it also allows us to stay our own temper. As the Spirit dwells, being baptized into Christ, the image of God, who stays His own hand and continues to love us, empowers us.


Have you ever had a teacher you didn’t like? They may have taught you the subject, but they weren’t very nice? Kindness isn’t about always being “nice,” but is in fact seeking and doing all for the good of others, no matter their behavior. This is what it is to love your enemies – being benign, not judgmental.

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