Ask Your Dad These 10 Questions On Father’s Day!
This Father’s Day, take the time to really talk to your dad. Ask him these questions and actually hear his answers…
This Father’s Day, take the time to really talk to your dad. Ask him these questions and actually hear his answers. If you are a father yourself, sit down with your children and answer these questions with them. Storytelling and sharing memories is a great bonding experience for all of you, and you may learn something new about each other in the process. There are important life lessons to be learned from past experiences, and this list will pave the way for those important and meaningful conversations to happen.
Don’t let your opportunity slip away! If there’s one constant thing about life it’s that it’s unpredictable. You have no idea what the future holds, so take advantage of every day. Here are 10 questions you should ask your father this Father’s Day.
10. What is your biggest accomplishment?
9. Tell me about your first date. What was it like? Who was it with?
8. What was the hardest thing you had to face as a child? How did you overcome it?
7. If you could go back to one day in your childhood, what would it be, and why?
6. What is your biggest regret?
I bet you’ve always wanted to know the answer to number 5…
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