Empty Vessel: Exploring the Impact of Martin Luther’s Great Prayer

The prayer is a constant reminder of our dependence on God and a source of enduring hope on our spiritual journey.

Discover the power of the “Empty Vessel” prayer, a short yet impactful blessing penned by the renowned German Protestant Reformation leader, priest and theologian, Martin Luther. This prayer serves as a poignant reminder of our inherent human weaknesses and our constant need for God’s mercy and grace.

Luther wrote the Empty Vessel prayer in the 16th century, yet it remains a hugely impactful prayer across the breadth of Christianity. The following story explains why Empty Vessel is such a meaningful blessing, and describes some specific examples of its importance to believers across the globe.

Empty Vessel – Martin Luther
Image: Jono Elderton for Faith Hub

How Did Empty Vessel Become so Important?

Empty Vessel’s language is clear and concise, expressing a basic truth about our relationship with God: we are all sinners in need of His grace. Luther used the prayer to express his own weakness, asking that God fill him with faith, love, and righteousness.

Universality and Simplicity

One of the remarkable aspects of the Empty Vessel prayer is its universal appeal. Regardless of one’s denominational background or theological tradition, this prayer can be embraced by any believer. Its simplicity and directness make it accessible to all, enabling individuals to humbly approach God and seek His help and guidance.

Humility and Trust

At the heart of the Empty Vessel lies the virtue of humility. By acknowledging our own weaknesses and imperfections, we approach God with open hearts, recognizing our absolute dependence on His grace and mercy. The prayer reminds us that God is ever willing to fill us with His divine grace, providing us with faith, love, and righteousness. It encourages us to place our trust in God’s unwavering love and to rely on His unfailing support.

Prayer of Hope

Empty Vessel is a source of hope for believers. In times of difficulty, it reassures us that God’s forgiveness and grace are always available to us. By humbly seeking God’s help, we find solace in the knowledge that He is with us, guiding us through challenging circumstances and offering His unending support.

The Influence of Empty Vessel Through the Ages

Martin Luther
Monument of Martin Luther in Eisleben

When we come to God with humility and ask for his help, he is always willing to fill us. Empty Vessel helps us to experience God’s grace in our lives. Specific examples of how the blessing has been used by Christians throughout history include:

1. Martin Luther used the prayer to express his own weakness and need for God’s grace. He wrote the prayer in the midst of the Protestant Reformation, when he was facing opposition from the Catholic Church. The prayer helped him to find strength and hope in the midst of difficult times.

2. In the 19th century, author Harriet Beecher Stowe used the prayer as inspiration for her novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” The novel tells the story of a slave named Uncle Tom, who is sold away from his family and forced to work on a plantation. Uncle Tom is a devout Christian, and he often prays the Empty Vessel prayer. The blessing helps him to find strength and hope in the midst of his suffering.

3. In the 20th century, the Empty Vessel prayer was used by Christians who were struggling with the Holocaust. The prayer helped them to find hope in the midst of a time of great darkness and despair for many people across the globe, whether they were directly involved in World War II or caught up by its aftermath.


The Empty Vessel prayer remains a potent reminder of our inherent human weaknesses and our continual need for God’s grace and guidance. Its universal appeal and simplicity have allowed it to transcend time, inspiring countless believers throughout history. As we humbly approach God with open hearts, seeking His forgiveness and grace, we find hope and strength to navigate life’s challenges.

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