“All Glory Be To Christ” Is The Perfect Song To Ring In A Worshipful New Year!

The tune is familiar, but the lyrics have been changed into a beautiful worship song!


Another year is beginning, and with it comes a time to reflect, a time to grow, and a fresh start. I don’t know about you, but I’m normally not one to make New Year’s resolutions. However, the beginning of a new year does prompt me to get my priorities back in order.

The holidays are a wonderful, crazy, stressful, and exhausting time, and by the end of December, I always feel like I’m running on fumes. That’s why January feels like a breath of fresh air – and the perfect opportunity to reset my intentions for the year to come. Every year, my intention is much the same. Glorify God with my actions, both big and small.


When I discovered this song a few years ago by King’s Kaleidoscope, I instantly fell in love with it. You’ll recognize the tune as an old New Year’s classic, Auld Lang Syne. However, this Christian band changed the lyrics into something much more meaningful than remembering old friends and toasting to the year to come.

Check out a few of the lyrics:

Should nothing of our efforts stand

No legacy survive

Unless the Lord does raise the house

In vain its builders strive

To you who boast tomorrow’s gain

Tell me, What is your life?

A mist that vanishes at dawn

All glory be to Christ!


All glory be to Christ our king!

All glory be to Christ!

His rule and reign we’ll ever sing

All glory be to Christ!

“Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” – Psalm 96: 1-3

Listen to the powerful song below and set an intention to glorify God in the new year!

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