5 Simple Things To Do In 2016 To Be More Joyful

It’s that time again; we reminisce on things that have passed, and look ahead for what’s to come. Each year we vow to finally clean out the basement, or lose that extra ten pounds for good. This year, we promise ourselves, will be OUR year.

4. Turn off your phone at dinner

If you’re anything like me, you can’t go more than 30 minutes without checking your phone. It’s safe to say that we, as a generation of people, have some serious technology addictions. This year, I want to spend more quality time with the people who are actually around me! Last year I made a resolution to Instagram less, and be more present in the moment. I found myself more caught up with getting the perfect picture to capture the , than actually enjoying the night. I allowed myself one photo, and I usually posted it after the fact. That was one of the more rewarding and successful resolutions I’ve ever had, and I want to keep that ball rolling.

5. Finish an entire chapstick. Just once.

This one is sort of a half joke. I mean, I’d really like the satisfaction of actually finishing a chapstick before losing it, or destroying in in the wash, but it’s more about finding joy in the little things, and making small goals. Lofty goals are good to have too, but there should be some short term accomplishments that keep hope alive while you endure the discipline of the long term accomplishments.

We could all use a little more joy to spread around in 2016. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and safe new year!

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