4 Heroic Kids and the Lives They Saved

Most parents will tell you that it is their job to protect their children, but sometimes that’s not possible and help comes from the most unexpected places: the children themselves.

5-Year-Old Sees Father through Hypoglycemic Shock

43-year-old Danny Stephen is diabetic, but the only person home when a sudden adrenaline rush crashed his blood sugar level was his son Jude. Only five years old, the youngster thought his dad was speaking Japanese and calling his name instead of asking for juice. Maintaining his composure, young Jude fed his dad juice and cupcakes, squeezing the boxed juice through straws. Danny was able to call his mother, and thanks to Jude, walked down to meet the paramedics when they arrived.

To see Danny and paramedics talk about Jude’s bravery, check out this video.

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