Top 4 Questions From eBible!

In the eBible community, we love to have discussions about every aspect of this Christian life – from what it means to be a follower of Christ, to digging into the etymology of the original Greek and Hebrew texts. Here are this week’s top questions, presented with the top answers so far. Keep up with the discussion, and add your own thoughts

4. What Can one do to prove they are a servant of God? Prophecy? Miracles?

It is not true that every servant of God has to be proven by possessing powers to perform miracles and wonders. For according to scripture, we aren’t all gifted the same. Not every servant of God is only proven by performing a miracle or prophesying (1 Cor 12:28.) According to scripture, one is proven not by the ministry they are placed in, but by the character they exhibit (Matt 7:15-20). For by character, we are proven (1 Tim 3:1-13, Titus 1:7-9). Scripture likens us in Christ to the different parts of the human body (Rom 12:4-9), (Ephesians 4:11), (1 Cor 12:12-20. That just as every single body part has its own function it plays, so are we in Christ. The source of confusion is in one body part seeking to function how it is not designed. This is the source of endless conflicts in Church.

See the full answer here on eBible!

How can God forgive me for my depression?

Image via Flickr

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