Tamara Lowe: There’s One Thing We Really Need
When we are asked if we saw the news last night, who we are rooting for on American Idol, or who currently leads the NFL in reception yards, the important things can just get buried. But Tamara Lowe knows there’s only one thing necessary.
You are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary… – Luke 10:41-42
When we are asked if we saw the news last night, who we are rooting for on American Idol, or who currently leads the NFL in reception yards, the important things can just get buried. This is the reality of distractions, where unimportant things take on bigger roles than they should. But Tamara Lowe knows there’s only one thing that can truly save when we come to the last day. In this one-minute rhyme, Lowe delivers a promise and a challenge that is usually reserved for much longer sermons. Check out the only thing that we really need in the video below.
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