Stabbed 39 Times, But Set Free When He Forgave!

Watch this incredible story of forgiveness. Could you set aside your rage if your mother was killed and you were stabbed 39 times? See how Frederic did!

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. -Ephesians 4:32

At just 11-years-old, and the day after he had accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior, a burglar savagely stabbed Frederic Almond 39 times. The man also brutally stabbed Frederic’s mother to death, right in front of him. See how Frederic struggled with the ability to forgive his attacker but eventually learned how to do it. That forgiveness set him free.

How have you been wronged? What grudges to you bear against others? Most likely whatever they did to you wasn’t a fraction as terrible as what that burglar did to Frederic. If he can find it in his heart to forgive…what about you?

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