This Orphan Was Rescued To Give Hope
Modern slavery is a hot topic for charity work these days! Meta was an orphan on the streets of Thailand, but she was saved from a future of prostitution to give hope of a new life to all!
Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause. – Isaiah 1:17
We’ve looked a the global problem of modern slavery before here at FaithHub, but it’s such a joy to see very real transformation happening. Street children often end up in forced labor, prostitution and destitute, with no civil protections to save them. Meta was one of these orphans on the streets of Thailand, with no parents to teach her even to speak. Through Kru Man, she was brought to school and was the first stateless child to attend university. See how she inspires the younger children at the Not for Sale home to rise from abandonment to life. See Meta’s inspiring story in the video below!
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