The Reason No One Can Move The Ladder Outside This Jerusalem Church
It’s been there for centuries.
This story takes place at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. There is a ladder that is leaning against this church.
Little did we know that it has been there for centuries and cannot be moved for any reason. This is one of the coolest traditions that we have had the chance to learn about recently and now, you will have the chance to as well.
This ladder is known as the Immovable Ladder. It has been placed on a ledge above the church’s entrance. It may seem harmless to touch it but anyone who does could end up sparking a riot or a massive religious war. If you would like to learn more about the complicated politics that are associated with this item, RealLifeLore is here to explain it all.
The building where the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is located dates all the way back to the 4th century.
Christians are of the belief that Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection site are contained here. Since these are two of the holiest events to ever occur, it is easy to see why this is such a hotly contested ladder. Over the years, various factions of Christianity have argued over the structure.
All of these factions believe that they are the church’s rightful owners. During the 1700s, six denominations attempted to come together and find a compromise: The Greek Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Roman Catholic, Coptic Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, and Ethiopian Orthodox. The property would be shared by all! The agreement that they came to was a very simple one to understand.
No one could change a single thing about the church’s original state. The consent of each owner is needed before any sort of change is made. This agreement has been in place for 250 years and all of the churches have avoided making any changes at all. It does not take a rocket scientist to see why they are all looking to avoid conflict as much as possible.
That means that nothing has changed since the 18th century. The full story is well worth your time and you are definitely going to want to learn more about this unique issue. Who would have thought that a ladder would ever be the source of so much conversation? Hopefully, all of these denominations are able to maintain the peace and avoid any sort of future difficulties when it comes to this ladder.
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