Kid President Has a Whole Boat Load of Encouragement. So He Reminds of Hope in Video Form.

This young man’s sense of joy and what could be in the future has always been what makes his speeches so heartwarming – helped along, no doubt, by the fact that Robby Novak is just plain adorable. Check out Kid President’s letter of encouragement and hope to the newest persons in the world.

Kid President has been giving us pep talks to make the world more awesome for a little over a year. And this young man’s sense of joy and what could be in the future has always been what makes his speeches so heartwarming – helped along, no doubt, by the fact that Robby Novak is just plain adorable. So this video, capturing in it all the hope you can imagine, might be the thing we’ve looked forward to most. Every time I blink, another child enters the world, and that world has so much hope if we just know where to look for it. Check out Kid President’s letter to a person on their first day here…right here.

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