Key Lessons In The Book Of Mark
This video gives such a compelling history and explanation of Mark, it would be great material for a Sunday school teacher, or anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of the Bible!
As you may know, there are four gospels in the Bible – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each of these accounts of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection were written for different audiences, and presented different arguments and details relevant to its intended readers. The book of Mark was for the Jewish people, and is structured in such a way as to prove that this Jesus who came and died, and left an empty tomb was indeed their long awaited Messiah. This video gives such a compelling history and explanation of Mark, it would be great material for a Sunday school teacher, or anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of the Bible!
For more videos from The Bible Project, check out What Does It Mean To Be Holy?
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