How To Love Difficult People
Are you struggling to love a difficult person in your life? Here are a few practical ways to squeeze out some extra love for those who could probably use it the most.
4. Extend to them the same grace that we ask of God
When the going gets tough… well, just keep on going. Chances are, things are not going to get better right away. Try to get some perspective from scripture – we have had grace upon grace poured out on us, and when we inevitably mess up (again) we ask God to forgive us. Even if this difficult person in your life can’t or doesn’t ask for forgiveness, give it to them anyway. Love them still. Encourage them still. Be a positive influence in their life.
5. Understand that maybe YOU could be the difficult person to love in someone else’s life!
Say what? Yeah, it’s true. You probably have some people who aren’t your biggest fan – and that’s ok! Learn from your experience loving the unlovables, and continue to walk in grace and truth.
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