How Do You Approach Atheists? Or SHOULD You?

Don’t be afraid to talk to atheists and agnostics… In fact, love them!

Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.” Matt 16:17

When I share the gospel, I am not afraid to talk to atheists, agnostics, or evolutionists.  When I see them and speak to them, I just think back on my life prior to Christ and realize, “there go I but by the grace of God.”  I am no better than they are.  I was no more worthy to be called a child of God than they are. The only reason that I have placed my trust in Christ is because He called me.  My own flesh and blood didn’t make me realize who Christ was, it was the Father.  Here is my answer for why He called me and not others….”I don’t know!” There was nothing in me worthy.  I had no special abilities.  I was not a sensitive, tender-hearted person who God thought, “Hey, he’d make a mighty fine Christian.”  God did not look down from heaven and think, “We gotta save this one. He‘s something special.“  No, not at all.  I still consider myself unworthy.  Incredibly, I went from disaster to pastor.  I was the weakest link in my family, in my class in school, at my places of work.  I would have been the last one that I would have chosen.  It’s exactly as Paul said, “But when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man” (Gal 1:15-16).

So the next time you see someone who is an unbeliever, think in your heart, “that could have been me.”  Why did God call me and not them? I have no clue at all.  That’s why I love witness to those who have no desire, no passion, and no hunger for God.  Because… that was me!  But, here I am and only by the grace of God.

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