Google Maps Takes Picture of Grandma Relaxing

This Guy Was Browsing Google Street View. And He Found Something He’ll Never Forget

Have you ever used Google Maps to see your old house or your school. In this story, a guy was looking at google street view and he found something that he will always remember and a huge smile on his face.

“Normally when I am bored I like to browse the google street views around Oregon. Well recently I was contacted by my younger brother who happen to be doing the same thing last night. While he was checking out a few places, he happen to look at my grandmas house. Its really rare you ever see someone you know captured in the google camera. But, there was my grandma sitting on her front porch reading her news paper enjoying life.


What surprised me, was that google captured one of the last few pictures of my grandma, because she passed away less than a year after that picture was taken. I thought it was such an uplifting and awesome picture because it showed just how laid back and awesome she was. Might not mean much to anyone else, I just thought I would share.”

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