Become a Savvy Traveler With These 14 Tips

We look forward to vacation as a time to relax and let go, but if we’re not prepared, it can quickly turn into a stress fest. Become a savvy traveler and save money, time and loads of stress with these 14 tips.

Keep digital copies of your travel documents.

If you plan ahead, you’ll never be caught off-guard. Scan your passport, ID, itinerary, hotel reservations, vaccination record, etc. and email the documents to yourself so you have digital copies at-the-ready at all times.

Take pictures of where you parked your rental car.

…or your hotel’s cross streets, your favorite restaurant, the trail head, etc. Even if you have a map, it’s easy to get turned around in a new place. Take advantage of that smart phone camera!

Mark your luggage.

Save yourself time and headaches at baggage claim by making your suitcase un-missable. Find the perfect, unique luggage tag for you!

Bring a day pack.

Don’t forget to pack a smaller purse or day pack to carry with you on excursions. Make sure it’s lightweight enough that it won’t weigh you down, but big enough to hold the essentials — a change of clothes, a scarf, your camera, a snack, a water bottle, sunglasses and your wallet.

Buy a quick-dry travel towel.

Staying in a hostel? A microfiber travel towel is a must. They absorb WAY more than your average bath towel and take up less than 1/3 of the space in your suitcase. Plus, they dry super fast and most have anti-microbial properties.

What did we miss? Share your travel tips in the comments!

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