I Was Stunned by This Man’s Courage. This Man Took on a Killer.

This is what we are called to do as Christians. Coach Hall is a man who knows the most important things in life.

This is a story that needs to be shared.

No one is ready for things like what Coach Hall and the students of this high school experienced on this day, but one who has achieved the maturity of character that Coach Hall showed here does what he does for others, not for himself.


This is a man for others. He is such because he believes in God and what God wants of us in this life. What he did is rooted in an obvious humility. But, more than that, it is rooted in the kind of love and respect for humanity that can only come from a profound sense that God is real and that every human being is a child of God.

Watch this and know that something sacred has been done in the ordinary life of a simple man in a regular American small town. This is what we are called to do as Christians. Coach Hall is a man who knows the most important things in life. Love others enough to lay your whole life down for them. Not just in one incident, but with one’s whole life.

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