When King David Asks Others To Sing For The First Time… WOW!
For those who believe, there can be no greater strength to depend on than that of God.
“Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11
This verse appears in a hymn that David has appointed others to sing for the first time. The hymn is made up of parts of several of the Psalms. Today’s verse is from Psalm 105. It is a song in praise of the Lord. In that sense, then, we can use it just as David used the psalms, as a powerful form of prayer.
What could be more appropriate for us who believe in the eternal love of God and his salvation than thankful praise? What more valuable reality could we seek than the “face of God?” For those who believe, there can be no greater strength to depend on than that of God. We need seek nothing, nor no one else than God in the good times, or in the bad, for it is his love that sustains us, his grace that strengthens us. It is in him that our hope finds its goal. There is no mercy greater than God’s. There is no comfort more dear than the Lord’s. It is in God that we find the peace that surpasses all understanding.
As creatures, as his very children, we have come to know that it is in God alone that we find the truest meaning and purpose for our lives. He is our source and our goal. In his perfect love there is no fear. He is our compass, our guide, our protector. In looking to his strength, we honor his majesty. In his face we find steadfast love. His guidance is gentle, but sure. In his merciful forgiveness we find a healing balm. When he chastises us it is for our good. When we seek his face, we find welcome and generous love.
He strengthens us with his grace. If we seek his face, he increases our faith and our hope. If we give ourselves over to him, if we willingly bend to his loving will, he teaches us how to love one another as he loves us. It is in seeking the Lord’s wisdom, and honoring his commands, that our hearts find the happiness for which they are made.
Lord, You are the source of our strength. We lift our hands in praise and thanksgiving to you, for it is you alone who gives us life and the strength to live good lives in your name. Increase in our hearts a desire to seek your face, your strength, and your mighty council, in all that we say and do. We pray these things in your name, Jesus. Amen!
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