What It’s Really Like To Home School Your Child

Combined with dissatisfaction with school systems and the desire to guide their children’s education, many parents are turning to home schooling. There are many misconceptions about home schooling, which is why it is important for us to understand the ins and outs of educating our children at home.

Incorporate Outside Support

Traditional schools often provide students with the support they need, but the standard school day hours can leave a child sleep deprived or restless. Home schooled parents have the freedom to schedule lessons around activities and provide instruction when children are most alert. Sleep is a vital part of a child’s physical and mental well-being. Early morning classes may not work well for all children and home schooling provides parents with the freedom to teach in the afternoon or evening if the child is more focused during these times.

Religious Freedom

Parents may also choose to home school their child to incorporate religious instruction into the curriculum. Traditional public schools usually prohibit religious expression in the classroom. When home schooling, parents can incorporate religious texts into subjects such as science, music, math and English, according to Middle School Net.

The resources available for parents to teach their children at home are much more developed than they were in the past. Students can utilize online software, tablets, smart phones, and computers to complete work, play interactive educational games, and complete tests to gain advancement in subjects and grade levels. A common misconception is that home schooling is loosely regulated, but the changes in state educational requirements have provided basic requirements that help parents to align their curriculum to stay within regulation, reports The New York Times.

Home schooling is a choice that parents are free to make. Parents know the specialized needs of their children and having the choice to home school is a necessity for some families. As a result, parents can help to increase their child’s literacy levels, especially when so many youth are failing to grasp basic reading skills. You can help support the efforts of literacy research, by supporting our friends at The Literacy Site as you determine if home schooling is the right choice for your family.

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