The Cross Never Made a Difference to Austin – Until He Saw Jesus On It. And That Saved His Marriage.

Austin Crowley had a problem – he needed to be loved, and he didn’t care who it was that loved him. It was all about him; it’s why he calls himself a narcissist. It’s also what put his marriage in jeopardy.

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Austin Crowley had a problem – he needed to be loved, and he didn’t care who it was that loved him. It was all about him; it’s why he calls himself a narcissist. It’s also what put his marriage in jeopardy; years of affairs and withdrawing from his children’s lives eroded his family. Until he saw Jesus on the cross. When suddenly the cross was occupied instead of empty, Austin saw love for others, undeserved – and purely transforming. Grace saves a marriage.

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