Chris Tomlin’s “Jesus Loves Me” Isn’t the Sunday School Song You Know, But It’s Just As Beautiful – Worship Today!

Falling on grace, trusting God to do what He says, that Christ is truly sufficient when He cries ‘It is finished!,’ is heavy. It means we don’t have a say. It means not being the god of our own lives.

To quote pastor and author Tullian Tchividjian, “‘Jesus loves me, this I know’ is the deep end, not the shallow end, of the theological swimming pool.” Falling on grace, trusting God to do what He says, that Christ is truly sufficient when He cries “It is finished!,” is heavy. It means we don’t have a say. It means not being the god of our own lives. It’s for this reason that Chris Tomlin’s proclamation, that he knew he was in chains, that his heart was a stone, Jesus came not for you, not for that other guy, but for me. Jesus loves me. This trust, this proclamation, is worship in itself. Sing along.

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