Four Charities That Need More Exposure – and You Can Help.

We’re called to acts of mercy. We’re suppose to give to the poor, clothe the naked, bring freedom to captives, feed the hungry, visit the lonely. And we do, mostly. Our churches do mission work, and the occasional offering supports the work. Maybe we even went on mission trips.

The Water Project


You’ve probably heard it before: sub-Saharan Africa needs water – clean, drinkable H2O. We’ve even taken a look at it before with the work of Good Neighbors in Chad. The Water Project is a little different, for a number of reasons. Without the star power of Jars of Clay’s Blood:Water Mission or World Vision’s massive footprint and history, The Water Project is a grassroots movement by two young girls who were motivated by Jesus’ “unambiguous call to ‘provide a cup of cold water’ and to answer the needs of those who say ‘I am thirsty’ (Matt 25).” Though Christians, The Water Project is not a religious organization and carries that love for neighbor to everyone, no matter their background, through whatever means they can provide water – rain catchment, drilling wells, purification for local streams and springs: anything – by partnerships with churches and communities.

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