Start Each Day With Awe and Gratitude

No matter what your circumstance, starting each morning with an attitude of gratitude can transform your day.

When times are tough, it can be easy to focus on the negative aspects of life; in the process, you forget about the blessings that surround you. No matter what your circumstance, starting each morning with an attitude of gratitude can transform your day. The start of a new day is an important time to renew your gratitude for God’s grace. As it says in Lamentations 3:22-23, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Each morning, while you have your coffee or before you get out of bed, set aside five minutes to appreciate the positive things in your life.

Expressing thankfulness does not need to be a complicated practice. If you find joy in writing, purchase a beautiful journal and jot down five things for which you are grateful; alternatively, consider saying them out loud or including them as thanks in your morning prayers. Choose a method that is comfortable and easy to maintain.

As you begin, don’t judge your answers. If you’re having a bad day, it’s enough to notice the beautiful blue sky, the roof over your head and the softness of your pajamas. The idea is to focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have. Other ideas include the people you love, the things you take for granted or the special blessings that have come your way.

A regular practice of gratitude can have a dramatic impact on your life. It gives you perspective, particularly when you feel buried in negative emotions. It brings you closer to God and helps strengthen your faith. Crucially, it sets a positive tone for the day ahead.Cultivating a habit of gratitude requires a small amount of effort, but the results can ripple out to your family and friends. Get started today by creating your own gratitude journal.

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