In Heaven, It’s Always Springtime
God loves us and want us to forever live in the Springtime of our souls. May we always choose to do so.
When Springtime finally comes to the mountains of my home the days feel like a preview of paradise. Spectacular sunshine arrives to bath the woodlands in its golden glow, and there is hour after hour of lovely light. The temperatures rise and wrap everything in their wonderful warmth. Winter coats are tossed aside for t-shirts, and children laugh and play outside. Red, pink, and purple tulips start to appear in people’s yards while yellow dandelions and buttercups pop their heads up in the meadows. Apple, Cherry, and Dogwood trees start to blossom and fill the air with their delightful fragrance. I can hear the Woodpeckers pounding out a beat on an old Oak and see a Robin building her nest with the skill of an engineer. The sounds of singing birds are everywhere and there are more love songs coming from the trees than from the radio. The dormant grass suddenly starts to turn green again, and my Beagle strains at her lease whenever she spots an Easter bunny munching on it.
When I walk outside on days like these my heart feels light, my soul shines bright, and life seems to hold the hope and promise of endless growth and unlimited love. Often I think to myself on my Springtime strolls that, “It is a shame that Spring only comes once a year.”
The good news, however, is that Spring can come every single day in our souls. It can come on the coldest Winter’s night and the hottest Summer’s day. Everyday we can decide to love God, life, ourselves, and everyone else. Everyday we can strive to live in the light. Everyday we can do our best to grow in goodness and oneness with God.
There is an old saying that goes, “In Heaven it is always Springtime.” The same can be true for our hearts and souls as well. God loves us and want us to forever live in the Springtime of our souls.
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