9 Things You Won’t Regret Doing This Spring

Spring is just around the corner. You’ve already changed your clocks, so go ahead and get out your flip flops and tank tops, and read this fun list of things to do while you’re waiting for those last few inches of snow to melt.

8. Send someone other than your mom a mother’s day card

image via Creative Commons

Mother’s Day comes around every May, and while those of us who have moms or who are moms take it for granted, there are tons of women out there who long to be a mother but can’t, or who lost a mother recently. Or maybe you were blessed with lots of strong women in your life who could never be thanked enough. Either way, chances are, you know someone who could use a nice letter of encouragement on Mother’s Day this year.


9. Spring Re-organizing

Image via Flickr

You knew it was coming. Instead of spring cleaning though, I like to think of it as spring re-organizing. I don’t know if this actually helps, but it seems to make a difference for me. Instead of attacking your house in one fell swoop, I find it more realistic to make small, achievable goals. Like organizing the closets. Closets are my weak spot. They were literally designed to hide a mess. But it can only go unnoticed for so long, i.e., when the doors no longer close because of the random junk being stored on the floor. But I digress. Closets one weekend, junk drawers the next, cupboards the week after that, etc. One little project at a time, and before you know it, you’re all done! Better celebrate with a grill out…

Did we miss something? What’s your favorite spring activity? Add it in the comments!

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