7 Fun Ways To Be More Thankful (And Mindful) In Your Life

We aren’t hardwired to be grateful, but these could help.

6. Write thank you notes

Image via thxthxthx.com

Still thinking about all those people and things that shaped your life? Go ahead, write them a thank you note! According to a recent study, writing thank you notes improve our mood and general happiness. This study shows that you have two “selves,” the experiencing self, and the remembering self. Thank you notes address both of these selves, and contribute to over all life-satisfaction.

7. Give back

Image via tanveernaseer.com

Sometimes when thinking about all the people who have made us stronger, better people, we get overwhelmed. No amount of cards or good deeds could possibly repay the debt we owe them. The best way to show someone who was a positive influence in your life, is to be a positive influence in someone else’s life. Not sure where to start? Check out this awesome page of ideas!

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