WOW! I Had No Idea Some of These Were Christian Businesses!
Seven stalwarts of American culture founded by Christians that continue to operate on those principles to this day
#2 Forever 21
Christianity and trendy club fashion aren’t an immediate pairing we think of. But budget-conscious retailer Forever 21 has been doing it since 1984. Founders Do Won and Jin Sook Chang immigrated from Korea in the early 80s, and found much local support in their church and Jesus Himself. As a privately held company, profits still go to the Changs – who in turn have donated millions of dollars to their church and Christian efforts the world over. Lest a weary shopper miss the opportunity, every retail bag is printed with the most famous and succinct explication of the Gospel; it simply reads “John 3:16.”
It’s hard not to love a Double Double with fries, animal style. The fast food favorite of California and Arizona has long been a privately held staple that spurns the opportunity to franchise or take on investors in the name of quality and customer service. But what few know about the burger flippers and cashiers at In-N-Out is that they aren’t like their counterparts at McDonald’s or Wendy’s; In-N-Out, it seems, is committed to paying better than minimum wage in all its operating districts as well as providing benefits to part-time workers. What prompts all this? The Snyder family, founders and still owners of In-N-Out Burger, are deeply Christian – and they show it with Bible verse citations on their packaging.
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