4 Wrong Attitudes To Have About Prayer
Sometimes no matter how hard we try, our prayers seem unfruitful and discouraging. Here are a few all too common attitudes towards prayer that will ultimately choke out your communication with God.
If you’ve been a Christian for any amount of time, you know that prayer is an essential element to your spiritual life. You’ve probably heard such trite phrases as, “why wish upon a star when you can pray to the one who created it?” and, “I’m too busy not to pray.” These are all well and good, but altogether unhelpful when it comes right down to actually having a meaningful conversation with the God of the universe. For some helpful tips on having a better prayer life, check out this great article. Sometimes, however, no matter how hard we try and stick to the plan, our prayers seem unfruitful and discouraging. Have you considered that maybe you have the wrong mindset from the very beginning? Here are a few all too common attitudes towards prayer that will ultimately choke out your communication with God.
1. Focusing on yourself
Has your prayer life become a list of wants and needs that you recite before God? Maybe you feel like your prayers have become boring and repetitive, or like you’ve run out of things to pray for. The world is so much bigger than you, and it is full of people and problems, and social issues, and righteous causes. There is a great need for you to take the needs and requests of your friends and family members before the throne of God. Not that God doesn’t care about you, and the details of your life; He does, a great deal. But you have been strategically placed where you are, right here, right now, and you have the unique opportunity to be a prayer warrior. So don’t let your prayers be only all about you. They should be all about God, and the works He is doing in His Kingdom.
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