The Top 8 From 2013: Posts You’ll Remember and Love!

As we launch from 2013 into 2014, we want to take the time to reflect on the year that has passed. Between page clicks, Facebook likes and comments, we seemed to have some much-loved posts!

A Young Boy Gives an Atheist Professor a Real Lesson on God, #7

Since the time of Epicurus in ancient Greece, philosophers have tried to fathom how evil and an all-powerful, all-good God can coexist. In the video below, an atheist teacher tries to persuade his class that God cannot possibly be exist if evil exists, since God created everything. The silent class’ attention is drawn to a young boy who stands up for his faith. His respectful and thorough dismissal of the “problem of evil” leaves his classmates stunned…

If you remember this video, you may have missed this one that reminds us faith and science aren’t so far apart!

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