Turn Toward The-One-Who-Listens!

Read this short, yet profound reflection on the meaning and importance of prayer from our contributing poet, Dan Doyle.

Read this short, yet profound reflection on the meaning and importance of prayer from our contributing poet, Dan Doyle.



There are many ways to pray.

It is not the gesture, no, nor

The words that are said

In grief, or penitence, or hope,

That make prayers valid.

It is not the place, no, nor

The beads, nor the deep bows,

Nor the infinite sitting-still-silences.

It is the submission of the will,

The movement of the heart,

The desire of the soul,

That gives prayer its life.

It is the turning, finally,

Toward The-One -Who-Listens,

Who loves without condition,

Who is always waiting.

It is the humble recognition,

That one is in need,

That one is not alone,

That one is loved

Beyond the deserving of it,

That makes everything–


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