Going Through A Trial Today? Read This and Be Reminded of Truth!

He will rescue us. Indeed, we will never be alone. God is our faithful rescuer in all of our trials. He knows how to protect and care for those he loves and who love him.

The Bible is replete with the proof of this statement. Peter gives us an overview of that truth beginning with the fallen angels. He did not spare them from their condemnation; they did not escape the consequences of their choices. The ancient world was inundated with the waters of the flood, and Sodom and Gomorrah were reduced to ashes for the godless behavior of their citizens. (verses 4-6) Choices have inescapable consequences after all. But those angels who remained faithful, Noah, Lot, and their families, were rescued because of their righteousness. Yes, choices really do have their inevitable consequences. “I put before you life and death, choose one.” (Deuteronomy 30:15)

Yes, “the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials.” He who is the source of all that is good, true, and beautiful, loves those who do good, who speak the truth, and who participate in beauty. These things stand out like brilliant flowers in a muddy field, like lights in the darkness. Goodness draws goodness to itself. Truth sheds light on the darkness of lies. And beauty, lifts the mind up from the muck and the mire to look toward the heavens.

To be recognized as good in the world is to be a thorn in the side of those who choose to deny their dependence on the Lord. The demands of goodness, truth, and beauty on the individual, as well as on society, are difficult. They require hard work and great sacrifice. This is why those who follow Christ, who submit willingly, even joyfully, to the commandments of the Lord, often draw the wrath of those who defy their own consciences for the immediate gratification of the flesh in any way. To be righteous, or to be rebellious, is a matter of choice. If we choose, because of our faith in Jesus Christ, to be righteous in our lives; if we struggle against all the temptations that come our way and do our best to remain faithful to God’s precepts, yes, even though we are weak, the Lord will give us the graces we need to persevere in the midst of the world’s trials and tribulations. He will rescue us. Indeed, we will never be alone. God is our faithful rescuer in all of our trials. He knows how to protect and care for those he loves and who love him.

We know that trials and sufferings will come our way in the world, but our faith shows us that we have a rescuer, and an advocate, who cares for us with an unrelenting love. We know his love for us in the flesh, through Jesus Christ. Knowing this in faith, we also know that it is our obligation to choose his friendship and love. In faith we choose to love him in return every day, in our thoughts, our words, and our deeds. Like the faithful angels, like Noah and Lot, we choose to remain faithful to the One who is always faithful to us, the Lord, our God. God sees our choices to do good, to speak the truth, and to participate in beauty. Those who choose willingly to love themselves, their neighbors, and the Lord, despite the rejections of the world, will be rescued. Those who choose willfully to satisfy only their own selfish and prideful desires, will not. Choice is everything.

Lord, inspire us with an ever-growing knowledge of your goodness, truth and beauty. Strengthen our faith in you. Give us the grace of courage so that we might regularly choose to be good, to speak truth, and to participate in beauty, even though we are in the midst of the world’s temptations and trials. Make us examples of your joy, so that we might, with your aid, bring others to you through that joy. We ask these things in the power of your name, Jesus. Amen!

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