I Love This Song… And The Message It Brings

Watch this insightful video about the importance bearing your own cross. Those crosses we bear help to shape us into better people and bring us closer to Him.

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Matthew 16:24

That old saying, “We all bear our crosses,” has almost become a cliche for how much it is used… or over used. But this idea that we bear a cross is a very important one when it comes to our faith in Jesus Christ. He told us that to follow him we must all take up a cross. He didn’t promise us that following Him would be easy. He didn’t promise that He would take away all the difficulties in our lives. Those crosses we bear help to shape us into better people and bring us closer to Him.

Watch this insightful video about the importance bearing your own cross.


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