Mysterious Priest Arrives at Car Crash, Vanishes

Though later he was revealed to be Patrick Dowling, this story of grace reveals that there are moments when each of us can be the miracle needed by another.

Katie Lentz was driving home in rural Missouri one April afternoon when another vehicle merged into her lane and the two collided head-on. In the chaos of the ensuing accident, Katie’s old Mercedes-Benz crumpled, and first responders were having trouble cutting into the vehicle. As the minutes mounted into over an hour, Katie remained calm, but knew she needed help – and so asked to pray. The firemen, concerned with the trouble they were having cutting into the car, weren’t quite sure what to do, but prayer happened anyway when a lone man arrived complete with oil to anoint the sick and injured. He prayed with Katie, anointed her with oil, and matter-of-factly told the the emergency workers that their “tools would work now” before vanishing. No one saw where he came from or where he went. Though later he was revealed to be Patrick Dowling, this story of grace reveals that there are moments when each of us can be the miracle needed by another.

If you enjoyed God’s message of hope in this car accident, check out this story of him sending angels to save the victims of a car accident and fire!

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